Roanoke Animal Hospital

824 Julian R Allsbrook Hwy,, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870

Phone: (252) 219-0004

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Jeanetta Morris Chappel, DVM

Jeanetta Morris Chappel, DVM

Dr. Chappell is married to Jonathan.She came to Roanoke Animal Hospital from the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2007 and has already proven herself to be a talented veterinarian. Starting her education as a Mountaineer at West Virginia University, she obtained her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Animal Sciences. She moved to North Carolina in 2001 and quickly found she loved the people and the weather in her new home. Having grown up on a little farm in a small West Virginia township, Dr.Chappell appreciates the special gifts of living in a small town and is enjoying calling Roanoke Rapids home. She brings to Roanoke Animal Hospital a warm and caring heart for all our clients as well as a “can do” attitude. Dr. Chappell has a comprehensive skill set including an amazing diagnostic ability. Her contribution to the medical team makes us extremely versatile and well rounded.
Dr. Chappell shares her home with three wonderful pets. Cindy and Shelby, two redtick hounds, are her newest additions to the family. Smokey, at 15 years, is the grand old duke of the household and demands respect. When she is not working with animals, Dr. Chappell loves to read and discover new music of all types.