Desert Inn Animal Hospital

3065 East Desert Inn Road, Las Vegas, NV 89121

Phone: (702) 732-2210

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Dr. Kimberly Franco, DVM: Associate Veterinarian

Dr. Kimberly Franco, DVM: Associate Veterinarian

Dr. Kimberly Franco is an Associate Veterinarian at Desert Inn Animal Hospital. Her main professional interests are in soft tissue surgery, endoscopy and laparoscopic surgery, and internal and preventative medicine. Born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, her love and passion for animals grew after she began bottle feeding and taking care the runt of a litter of puppies, named Jasmine. Her inspiration for Veterinary Medicine was solidified after becoming a technician at a veterinary clinic and after working at Shark Reef as a Naturalist. She graduated with a Bachelors in Biologic Science at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, before pursuing a degree of veterinary medicine at Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in 2008. 

On her spare time, Kimberly enjoys hiking, taking naps, and trying different types of foods and spending time with her mother and her adorable and high energy mixed breed dogs, named Sombra and Lluvia.