Desert Inn Animal Hospital

3065 East Desert Inn Road, Las Vegas, NV 89121

Phone: (702) 732-2210

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Jennifer Willey, DVM: Associate Veterinarian

Jennifer Willey, DVM: Associate Veterinarian

Dr. Jennifer Willey is originally from Falls Church, Virginia. Dr. Willey was a bit of a globetrotter, going from Virginia to New York to Florida (where she picked up a bachelor’s degree) then off to Louisiana State, where she earned her degree as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.

She has a Chihuahua named Henry and a Schnauzer named Hazel. Dr. Willey loves drawing, camping, and fishing. She’s especially interested in ultrasonography and is currently continuing her education in that technique. Her favorite quote: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated,” by Mahatma Gandhi.