Deer Creek Animal Hospital

10148 W. Chatfield Avenue, Littleton, CO 80127

Phone: (303) 973-4200

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Dr. Janice McConnell

Dr. Janice McConnell

Dr. Janice McConnell grew up in Arizona and obtained a degree in ecology from The University of Arizona. She then migrated to cooler climates to pursue graduate studies in ecology at the University of Montana. After obtaining her masters and working for a few years, she returned to school to chase another dream - a veterinary degree. She received her doctorate in veterinary medicine from Colorado State University in 2003.

After graduation, Janice completed a one year internship in emergency and critical care medicine, discovered a passion, and focused her professional career in this area.

Janice is also very interested in all modalities of pain management; leading to a certification in acupuncture and training in rehabilitation therapy.

Janice and her husband love to camp, hike and ski with their two young sons; however, when able to sneak out on their own, they will likely be found swing dancing to big band music. They share their home with an Australian cattle dog (Jasper), two miniature Australian shepherds (Sid and Rogue) and a cat (HiDeHo).