Animal Medical Center

719 Quintard Avenue, Anniston, AL 36201

Phone: (256) 236-8387

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Dr. Barry Nicholls

Dr. Barry Nicholls

Dr. Barry G. Nicholls is from Talladega, AL and graduated from Auburn University's School of Veterinary Medicine in 1981. At Auburn University, Dr. Nicholls received his Bachelor of Science degree and his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Nicholls' special veterinary interests include dogs, cats, and reptiles.

He enjoys backpacking, scuba diving, cycling, and mission work. He is a member of the Northeast Alabama Veterinary Medical Association, the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Esther Honey Foundation, and the Northeast Alabama Bicycle Club. 

Dr. Nicholls is married to Anna Nicholls and has two children: Allen Graham and Brooke. Dr. Nicholls' personal philosophy is that "It is noble to help others attain their goals." His favorite quote is "In wildness, is the preservation of the world" by Henry David Thoreau.

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