Feather And Fur Animal Hospital

9125 Manchaca Road, Austin, TX 78748

Phone: (512) 291-4000

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Julie Newman, D.V.M.-Small Animals

Julie Newman, D.V.M.-Small Animals

Dr. Julie Newman has been a practicing veterinarian for more than ten years. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences in 1992 and received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Texas A&M University in 1997. While her training and past experience are in both large and small animal care, she has currently chosen to concentrate her medical and surgical skills exclusively on companion animals. For the past ten years Dr. Newman has resided in Austin, TX, and she has been practicing with us here at Feather & Fur since 2005. As a general practitioner, Dr. Newman specializes in small animal medicine and surgery, preventative medicine, dental care and emergency care.  Dr. Newman places special emphasis on preventative care especially for our senior pets. She enjoys working with senior animals and their owners to extend and enhance the lives of older pets. For this reason she believes that annual senior blood work and twice yearly exams are important for all pets over seven years of age. Dr. Newman believes that early detection and treatment of disease are essential in maintaining lifelong health for our pets.