Chattahoochee Animal Clinic

1176 Alpharetta St, Roswell, GA 30075

Phone: (770) 993-6329

Fax: (770) 643-6705

Call Us (770) 993-6329

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Beatriz (Practice Manager)

Beatriz (Practice Manager)

Born in Bogota, Colombia and moved to the states, New York to be exact, when I was four years old. My family and I relocated to Georgia in 1996. Fluent in both English and Spanish. I have always had a passion for animals. Ever since I can remember I have had what my father liked to call a "zoo". I attended Stetson University in DeLand, Florida where my studies revolved around Biology. I have practiced veterinary nursing for over 18 years and have also managed several clinics in New York and Georgia. I have two amazing kids, that are growing up way too fast! My favorite breed is the German Shepherd for their loyalty and intelligence. I also have an interest in reptiles, my favorite being bearded dragons. I also, do a fair amount of wildlife rescue, which my children have enjoyed through the years, with baby deer and squirrels as part of our family from time to time. On my free time I enjoy yoga, photography, painting and sculpting.