Park Animal Hospital

8065 66th Street North, Pinellas Park, FL 33781

Phone: (727) 546-9828

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Jenny Glover

Jenny Glover

Jenny Glover has been employed at Park Animal Hospital since 1998 when she started working in the kennel after high school and has been a Veterinary Technician since 2002. She graduated in June 2006 as a Certified Veterinary Technician from St. Petersburg College. Her job as a C.V.T. includes running the lab, working in radiology, assisting in anesthesia and surgery/dental and assisting in exam rooms. Jenny loves one on one patient care and is exceptional when caring for our intensive care patients. On her days off, Jenny likes to rehabilitate wildlife, and take her sheltie “Poco” for walks at the park with her husband Rob. Her animal family includes a dog and 5 cats.