Veterinary Center at Fishhawk

5484 Lithia Pinecrest Road, Lithia, FL 33547

Phone: (813) 681-9080

Fax: (813) 643-5615

Call Us (813) 681-9080

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Don Thompson, J.D., CVPM – President / Hospital Administrator

Don Thompson, J.D., CVPM – President / Hospital Administrator

Don is the company president and hospital administrator, and is responsible for the overall operation of the clinic.  With a strong background in human resources management, team building, and marketing, Don focuses primarily on ensuring the team has the skills and tools necessary to provide high quality, compassionate care to the pets who visit VCF.  In addition to his oversight of VCF, Don is also an adjunct law professor at Eckerd College.  He is also the executive director of the Hillsborough Animal Health Foundation, and travels with Dr. Katie teaching other practice managers and owners. He is the president and one of the founders of WFC, a charitable organization that raises funds for other local charities by conducting paintball games.  For fun, Don enjoys spending time with his family, playing and coaching paintball.