Veterinary Center at Fishhawk

5484 Lithia Pinecrest Road, Lithia, FL 33547

Phone: (813) 681-9080

Fax: (813) 643-5615

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Katharine M. Thompson, DVM, DABVP – Medical Director

Katharine M. Thompson, DVM, DABVP – Medical Director

Dr. Katie is the medical director of VCF, and responsible for all medical protocols at VCF. After graduating from Washington State University with a DVM in 1996, she practiced small animal medicine in several clinics before opening VCF in 2007 with her husband Don. Most recently in 2012, she became a diplomat of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners. She brings both compassion and experience to every situation; and her boarded status ensures that your pet is being treated by the best that medicine offers.  Dr. Katie continues to educate other veterinarians as an instructor throughout the country She continues to gain information that benefits the pets which visit our clinic.  She is a proud mother to Cameron and Joshua, and gives her pet love to Jessie her border collie and Moses the Siamese cat.  When not worrying about the health of every patient she sees, Katie enjoys spending time with family and playing both competitive and recreational paintball.