West Lake Animal Hospital

3800 West 5400 South, Taylorsville, UT 84129

Phone: (801) 742-5395

Fax: (801) 966-5356

Call Us (801) 742-5395

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Bonnie Degeus (veterinary assistant)

Bonnie Degeus (veterinary assistant)

Bonnie Degeus (veterinary assistant) has always had a love for animals. She has been a veterinary assistant for 19 years. She and her husband have raised Great Danes, German Shepherd Dogs, and birds for the past 20 years. She is interested in K-9 training for tracking and protection and wants to get into search and rescue. She currently owns a Great Dane, "Tayos," a Belgian Malinois, "Zoeken," and a Yellow Naped Amazon Parrot, "P. Jane."