West Lake Animal Hospital

3800 West 5400 South, Taylorsville, UT 84129

Phone: (801) 742-5395

Fax: (801) 966-5356

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Dr. David L. Benson

Dr. David L. Benson

Dr. David L. Benson was born in Blackfoot, ID and raised in Provo, UT where he attended and graduated from Provo High School. He then served a 2 year LDS mission to Cochabamba, Bolivia before returning home to attend BYU. He received his B.S. degree in 1990 from BYU in Animal Science. While at BYU he met and married Leslianne Caldwell and they are now the parents of 5 children--and one son-in-law. In 1995 he received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree from Colorado State University. He is a member of the Spanish National Honor Society (Sigma Delta Pi) and the Veterinary National Honor Society (Phi Zeta), the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the Utah Veterinary Medical Association (UVMA), and the Salt Lake Veterinary Medical Association (SLVMA).

Following graduation he worked in two practices in Banning and 29 Palms, CA for 5 years before returning to Utah in 2000.

Outside of veterinary medicine he enjoys being with his family and watching or playing most sports. He also enjoys studying various languages but is currently only fluent in Spanish—and English—and reading biographies and non-fiction historical accounts of WWII and the Revolutionary War.