Sahuaro Vista Veterinary Clinic

333 West Cool Drive, Oro Valley, AZ 85704

Phone: (520) 505-5390

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Dr. Andrew Carlton

Dr. Andrew Carlton

Dr. Andrew Carlton graduated from the University of Arizona with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. He then went on to Michigan State University where he completed his Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine in 1986. He worked as an emergency hospital veterinarian for over five years prior to and after opening Sahuaro Vista.

Dr. Carlton opened Sahuaro Vista Veterinary Clinic in 1989. Sahuaro Vista soon became an American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) certified hospital and has achieved AAHA’s highest certification. He has been a veterinarian for the Arizona Department of Racing for about 20 years. Dr. Carlton serves on the Greyhound Task Force committee headed by the State of Arizona. He has served on advisory committee’s for Pima Animal Control and the Amphitheater School District. Dr. Carlton was a member of the Pima County Board of Health, Southern Arizona Medical Association board, and has been a consultant for the Humane Society of Southern Arizona. In addition, he has been active in numerous civic and community activities.

Dr. Carlton’s son, Captain Nathan Carlton, is an Army Veterinarian and his daughter, Callista, is a pharmacist living in Alaska. Dr. Carlton's four legged children include two dogs: a French Bulldog name Éclair and Geez Louise who is mixed beyond recognition.