Pawling Animal Clinic

550 Route 22, Pawling, NY 12564

Phone: (845) 350-0443

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Lisa Walling, DVM

Lisa Walling, DVM

Dr. Lisa Walling graduated with high honors from Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine in 2001. After graduation she spent the first year as an intern in small animal medicine and surgery at The Animal Medical Center in New York City. She worked at Katonah Bedford Animal Hospital in Northern Westchester as an emergency clinician and a general practitioner for seven years. She was also a general practitioner at Larchmont Animal Hospital.  Prior to pursuing a career in veterinary medicine, Dr. Walling graduated with a fine arts degree from SUNY Albany. She worked with a jeweler and an advertising agency for two years before she decided to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps and pursue a career in veterinary medicine. Dr. Walling currently resides in Connecticut with her husband (who is also a veterinarian), daughter, two Labradors, one rescue poodle mix, and four goldfish. In her spare time she enjoys running, swimming, biking, knitting and jewelry making.