Bayside Animal Clinic

3643 Bell Blvd Bayside, Bayside, NY 11361

Phone: (718) 224-4451

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Dr. Aaron Vine, DVM

Dr. Aaron Vine, DVM

Vice President
Director of Administrative Emergency Services
Director of Information Services/ImproMed Computer Systems
Practitioner of Veterinary Medicine

Aaron Vine, DVM graduated with a B.S. in Biology from Tufts University in 2000. While at Tufts University, he founded the Tufts University Pre-Veterinary Society and was elected Vice President for his junior and senior years. His Senior year, he organized and managed the society's first fundraiser event which raised over $500 for "Nicholas' pennies for pets".

Following college, he attended Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, and spent 2 1/2 years living in the tropical Caribbean island of St. Kitts. During this time, he not only studied rigorously, but also learned how to scuba and enjoyed the unique activities the island had to offer.

Dr. Vine completed his clinical rotations and his veterinary studies at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas. He was the third generation of the Vine family to attend classes at Kansas State University.

Following graduation in 2004, Dr. Vine became the third generation and sixth member of the Vine family to join Central Veterinary Associates. Since then, he has become Director of Emergency Medicine, DVM Manager of Terrace animal clinic, and Webmaster of