Plaza Del Amo Hospital

3430 Fujita St., Torrance, CA 90505

Phone: (310) 530-5511

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Dr. Diana Gharbawy

Dr. Diana Gharbawy

Family/Hometown: I grew up in the San Fernando valley with my parents, brother, and a house full of animals. I now live in the Westchester area with my Pomeranian, Chip.

Favorite Movies: All things Disney, The Devil Wears Prada, Bridesmaids

Favorite TV Shows: Friends, New Girl, The Mindy Project, Nashville

Favorite Books: C.S Lewis classics, Bossypants, The Alchemist, The Giver

Favorite Quotes: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." "The greatness of a nation and it's moral progress can be judged by the way it's animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi

Education: Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. University of California, Irvine - Bachelors in Public Health Sciences. Pierce College pre-veterinary program.

Hobbies: Spending time with friends and family, fishing, kayaking