Plaza Del Amo Hospital

3430 Fujita St., Torrance, CA 90505

Phone: (310) 530-5511

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Dr. Dastrup & Kai

Dr. Dastrup & Kai

Family: Married 34 years, five children - all boys: 6 grandkids. Kai, Black Lab. Our family is smaller now - when the boys were young we collected 118 birds, monitored 5 fish tanks-fresh and salt, multiple dogs, chickens, ducks, a goose, rabbits, a snake, and a chinchilla.

Profession: Dr. of Veterinary Medicine-a graduate of Colorado State University, completed pre-med at University of Utah with a Bachelor of Science in Genetic.

Projects: Actively engaged in church responsibilities

Hobbies: Art is the first priority - drawing & painting with all media-on paper, canvas and board; photography, computers, gardening-roses & vegetables, collecting-art, stamps, books, and 'quarters-to fill the pockets of my grandson Caston when he visits my desk.

Dislikes: Automobiles and too much sleep

Favorite foods: Seafood, Japanese, Chinese and Mexican, but a thick rare beef steak is very nice every now and then.  

Favorite desserts: Raspberry trifle & chocolate mousse. 

Favorite TV shows: Seinfeld & X-Files 

Favorite Movies: Ben Hur & Star Wars 

Favorite composers: Bach & Mozart

Favorite music: Jazz

Favorite pastime: Attending a constant flow of continuing medical education and art classes.

Favorite authors: James Joyce, Charles Dickens, and Orson Scott Card

Favorite parties: Family Reunions 

Favorite pets: Dogs & Cats tie for first place, next come chickens but they don't make good house pets. 

Words to Live By: To Know, To Do, To Have, To Become, TO BE

View of Life: 'The more things change, the more they stay the same' (Old French Proverb)