Lifetime Animal Care Center

4941-G Clairemont Drive, San Diego, CA 92117

Phone: (858) 201-4174

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A.J. Hardy, D.V.M.

A.J. Hardy, D.V.M.

My interest in animals started while growing up in Wisconsin. We lived outside of Milwaukee and had a menagerie of chickens, ducks, dogs, cats, and horses. While I enjoyed those "family pets" my real respect for animals came through the many summers I spent on my uncle's dairy farm. Working with the cows and calves and seeing how well they were treated and cared for made me want to somehow be involved with animals.

I moved to California after high school and eventually received my degree in veterinary medicine from the University of California, Davis. I felt I owed something to the Wisconsin dairy industry for establishing my interest in animals and moved back there to work as a dairy vet. After four years, my wife Margaret and I decided that California had more opportunities for our family than Wisconsin, so we returned, moving to San Diego in 1984

I purchased this practice, then called Clairemont Square Veterinary Clinic, in 1986. We started with one doctor and two veterinary assistants. Since then, through the overwhelming support of our clients, we have been able to expand the hospital and have grown to four doctors and ten staff members.

What I enjoy most is getting to know my clients, seeing what their pets mean to them and how they bring quality to each others' lives. I enjoy helping the pets in any way I can to make their lives, and the lives of their owners, more comfortable.

I currently live in Scripps Ranch with my wife, Margaret. We share our home with our 18 pound cat, Pliny.

Degrees and Memberships:

  • B.S. Biochemistry, University of California, Davis, 1976
  • D.V.M. University of California, Davis, 1980
  • San Diego County Veterinary Medical Association
  • California Veterinary Medical Association
  • American Veterinary Medical Association
  • American Animal Hospital Association - Hospital Director


Outside interests:
soccer, music, baseball, reading