Michigan Road Animal Hospital at Crooked Creek

7720 North Michigan Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268

Phone: (317) 291-3932

Fax: (317) 291-8056

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Kirsty Jacobs, D.V.M.

Kirsty Jacobs, D.V.M.

Dr. Kirsty Jacobs grew up in Greenville, South Carolina, but considers herself to be a genuine Georgia Bulldog after receiving both her DVM degree in 2014 and her B.S.A. degree in Animal Science from the University of Georgia. She is excited to explore a different part of the country and to experience what living with snow is like. Her interests include preventive medicine, surgery and dentistry.

In her free time, Dr. Jacobs enjoys running, hiking, water sports and spending time with family, friends, and her Beagle mutt, Millie and Golden Retriever, Lilly.