Michigan Road Animal Hospital at 96th Street

3845 West 96th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46268

Phone: (384) 596-3172

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Charles Hurd, DVM

Charles Hurd, DVM

Dr. Hurd is an Indianapolis native and a long time Michigan Road Animal Hospital client, having brought his pets to the original office as a young boy in the early 1960's. He graduated from the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1986. After practicing out of state for two years he joined Michigan Road Animal Hospital in 1988. Dr. Hurd has a strong interest in internal medicine, clinical pathology, soft tissue surgery and surgeries of the stifle (knee) joint. Dr. Hurd is a practice owner.

Dr. Hurd and his wife have three teenage children-twin boys and a daughter. Their other members of the family include a mixed breed geriatric dog Samantha ("Sam") and two young (& busy!) cats, Theophilus ("T") and Silas ("Si").