Oak Ridge Animal Clinic

26446 I-45 North, Spring, TX 77386

Phone: (281) 761-6225

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Vickey Bailey-Benzel D.V.M.

Vickey Bailey-Benzel D.V.M.

Degrees from Texas A&M University: B.S. in Biomedical Science 1980; M.S. in Epidemiology 1982; B.S. in Veterinary Science 1984; and D.V.M. 1986
Dr. Bailey-Benzel is married to David Benzel, a math and statistics Professor at Lone Star College Montgomery. 
They are the proud parents of Daniel, age 14. 

They have 4 cats: George, Jemimah, Jonathan, and Topo. Dr. Bailey-Benzel loves dogs but doesn't currently have any. 

Her and her husband volunteer weekly at WoodsEdge Community Church in the Special Hearts Ministry to take care of special needs children so the parents may attend service. They also lead a bi-monthly support group at WoodsEdge for parents of children with special needs.