All Pets Vet Hospital

1011 U.S. Highway, ROUTE 202 NORTH, North Branch, NJ 08876

Phone: (908) 707-1555

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Dr. Cynthia Fede

Dr. Cynthia Fede

Dr. Cynthia Fede has been practicing veterinary medicine for over 10 years. She graduated from Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine in 2000 and has been helping people and their pets ever since. Dr. Fede enjoys meeting new clients and their pets and helping to strengthen the special bond they share through education and open communication. Dr. Fede sees dogs, cats, and exotics including rabbits, ferrets, pocket pets and reptiles/ amphibians. She also has a strong interest in animal behavior and assisting shelters and rescues as her time allows currently she, her husband and two sons share their home with 4 dogs, 3 cats, and fish.