Brentwood Family Pet Care

4421-A Balfour Road, Brentwood, CA 94513

Phone: (925) 240-7387

Fax: (925) 240-7030

Call Us (925) 240-7387

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Melissa - Patient Care Specialist

Melissa - Patient Care Specialist

I grew up with a strong love of all animals and always knew I would end up working with them in some way or another. What better way than to become a veterinary technician and help make animals feel better? I got my first job in a clinic as an assistant at age 21 and have been a technician ever since. I started with BFPC in 2013 and couldn't be happier.

I have 3 horses, a cat, a snake and my two girls in my picture are my kids: Harley and Bentley, mother and daughter Bull Mastiffs and the best of friends. Harley is 7 and Bentley is 4 and they have me wrapped around their little paws and hooked on the breed! They are spoiled but very well behaved girls and I wouldn't have it any other way!