Brentwood Family Pet Care

4421-A Balfour Road, Brentwood, CA 94513

Phone: (925) 240-7387

Fax: (925) 240-7030

Call Us (925) 240-7387

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Dr. Scott Lichlyter, Veterinarian

Dr. Scott Lichlyter, Veterinarian

Dr. Scott Lichlyter moved to Brentwood in 1990 after graduating from Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Lichlyter opened Brentwood Family Pet Care in 2000, with the goals of supporting a high quality of life for family pets in the area and helping develop the relationship between pets and their families.

His own daughter was born the year the clinic opened, and his son was born a few years later. The family has a cat named Princess and a dog named Molly. Scott is in the clinic Monday through Thursday.