Tails-A-Waggin Animal Hospital and Pet Resort

11960 Kelly Road, Fort Myers, FL 33908

Phone: (239) 482-6897

Fax: (239) 482-7922

Call Us (239) 482-6897

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Dr. Monaco is a native of Maryland where he completed his undergraduate studies in Biology at Loyola University. He received his DVM degree from the University Of Florida College Of Veterinary Medicine at Gainesville. He also earned a Master’s Degree in Veterinary Science, performing research work in the field of ophthalmology.  Dr. Monaco was one of the first researchers to use electron microscopy in the study of canine cataracts.

As a boy, he enjoyed rescuing and helping animals since the time his parents adopted their first family dog. Those childhood experiences, along with his love of science and curiosity for how the body functions, led him to pursue his Veterinary profession.

Over the years, he has practiced in Maryland, Delaware, and his wife’s home State of New Jersey, where he relocated for a short time in 2001 before they moved to Southwest Florida. Dr. Monaco and Eileen share a special passion for animal welfare and have adopted many rescue pets together. They currently have three rescued girls as part of their family: Munchkin, Peanut and Pumpkin (all felines).

Along with frequently enjoying Florida’s warm weather, outdoors and beaches, they also make time for travel, golf, boating and scuba diving.