Surfside Pet Hospital

812 SE Osceola St, Stuart, FL 34994

Phone: (772) 219-8022

Fax: (772) 219-9277

Call Us (772) 219-8022

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Sienne, Receptionist

Sienne, Receptionist

I have now been a team member at Surfside Pet Hospital for well over a year, and I very much enjoy my time at the clinic with the staff, all of our awesome patients and their humans!  I am a Detroit native and moved to Port St. Lucie three years ago with my two daughters, Aszurae and Maili.  We live with my boyfriend and we recently rescued a hound mix puppy we named Mako.  I am more than half way through a Bachelor degree in criminal justice with Keiser University, and hope to fuse my love for animals with my passion for justice!