Surfside Pet Hospital

812 SE Osceola St, Stuart, FL 34994

Phone: (772) 219-8022

Fax: (772) 219-9277

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Dr. Erin McNamara

Dr. Erin McNamara

Born and raised in Lexington, Kentucky, my first experiences were with my family pets and working with and caring for thoroughbred horses. I attended the University of Kentucky for my B.S. degree in animal science with heavy concentration in biology. I then ventured to Ross University Veterinary school and was blessed to meet my future husband Dr. Abadia. My last clinical year was at Auburn University, where my husband and I were married. We currently have one 4 year old daughter (Elora), an 8 month old daughter (Isabella), 2 dogs (Chalupa and Pepe) and 1 cat (Juan).

For the last 7 years my focus has been practicing high quality medicine for cats and dogs and trying to educate my patient’s parents so they can be active participants in their pets care.  I look forward to serving the community here in Stuart and getting to know all of you and I hope to meet you soon.