Indian Walk Veterinary Center

662 Durham Road, Newtown, PA 18940

Phone: (215) 598-9000

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Dr. Tanya Thies

Dr. Tanya Thies

Dr. Tanya Thies joined our team in November 2013. She received a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Arizona in 1994 and was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa Society at that time. She earned her VMD from the University of Pennsylvania Shool of Veterinary Medicine in 2000.

Tanya is married to her high school sweetheart, Michael, who works in his family's Bucks County beverage businesses. They have three children: Miya, Jonah and Lily, Also sharing their home are Carlie, and apricot Standard Poodle and two orange tabbies, Oscar and Sammy. Tanya swears she did not set out to have animals all of the same color!

Travel, reading and bowling are among Tanya's favorite activities and she is a strong proponent of gifted education.

Tanya's favorite life value is "integrity - doing the right thing even when nobody is looking."