Basic Pet Care Animal Hospital

642 Route 109, Lindenhurst, NY 11757

Phone: (631) 694-0330

Fax: (631) 957-4952

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 Dr. Peter Lugten

Dr. Peter Lugten

Dr. Peter Lugten grew up in Britain, attending the University of Edinburgh veterinary college. Consequently, he enjoys all things Scottish. He and his wife, an RN, take part in fund raising benefits concerning health care issues on Long Island. The remainder of his time is consumed by continuing education, and, for relaxation, philosophy and politics.

Dr. Lugten was voted Long Island Cat Fanciers Veterinarian of the Year in 2007.

He is always down to earth, and says of being voted ‘Long Island Veterinarian of the Year’: “I never let it go to my head”.

Peter Lugten, BVM & S, MRCVS, received his degree at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland in 1979.

After moving to New York in 1984, he worked at two other Long island animal hospitals before taking over Basic Pet Care Animal Hospital in 1989. Dr. Lugten is a member of the American, New York State and Long Island Veterinary Associations as well as the American Animal Hospital Association. Living in Lindenhurst with his wife, twin daughters, and his lovable Cocker Spaniel.