Katella Animal Clinic

10712 Katella Avenure, Anaheim, CA 92804

Phone: (714) 535-6791

Call Us (714) 535-6791

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Requesting a call from a local Animal Hospital is easy! Fill out the form below and your local clinic will contact you as soon as they can.

If this is an emergency, please contact your local Emergency Veterinary Hospital immediately, or call 911.

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Hello my name is Melissa, I've worked here for about 3 1/2 years as a technician/ receptionist. When not at work I am with my 2 year old son and my husband of 3 years whom i love more then anything. I love animals, I've been around them all my life, if i could I'd have my own zoo at home. Right now I have a little bundle of joy doxie, her name is Abby, she is 8 months old. I also love camping with the family and friends, dirt bike riding, and Italian food. For all the exotic pet owners, you will probably be seeing a lot of me, they are one of my favorites to work with.