Katella Animal Clinic

10712 Katella Avenure, Anaheim, CA 92804

Phone: (714) 535-6791

Call Us (714) 535-6791

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Dr Saleeb

Dr Saleeb

Partner and General Veterinarian of the clinic, I have been in the field for many years. I graduated from Oklahoma State University and earned my Veterinary degree with honors. I am one of the few that are licensed in Canada also. In addition to General Practitioner, I enjoy Surgeries, Internal Medicine and Exotic Medicine.

I have two children, Sarah and David, two cats, Chris and Scarface, a dog named Kiko, an Iguana and six hamsters. Most of these live at the Clinic so stop on by to visit anytime. My outside hobbies include soccer and spending time with family.

We are here six days a week for you so stop on by to meet our award winning staff and join our "family".