Pet Chalet Animal Hospital

326 Adams Circle, Corona, CA 92882

Phone: (951) 272-3640

Call Us (951) 272-3640

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Krystal  is the manager for Pet Chalet. She started with them in 2008 and is the current and original manager. You may see her alot with her dog Jazzie in the front office.. Krystal is very passionate about her title and position at Pet Chalet.. She has a big heart for all the animals that come through the door.  Especially the shy and aggresive one's. Each animal is treated like one of her own. She knows what it takes to give love, be patient and understanding with all types. She come's from years of experience both in hands on and in education.Jazzie, comes with her mommy Krystal everyday. She likes to help those four legged one's who may be shy or old. She also loves to give and get lots of attention from all who come in contact with her.