Union Veterinary Clinic

609 2nd Street NE, Washington, DC 20002

Phone: (202) 544-2500

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Dr. Susan R. Cooke

Dr. Susan R. Cooke

Dr. Cooke returned to DC with her husband and fellow Hoya after graduating from the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School in 1998.   While loving small animal practice Dr. Cooke also specializes in aquatics and exotics.  She worked as a staff veterinarian for the National Aquarium Institute (National Aquariums in DC and Baltimore) for over 12 years.  Dr Cooke has maintained an active leadership role within the local veterinary community as recent president of the DC Academy of Veterinary Medicine (an organization which provides monthly continuing education seminars for veterinarians) and current Vice President of the DC Veterinary Medical Association.  Dr Cooke enjoyed living the urban life in Adams Morgan for 13 years but has recently moved out to beautiful Loudoun County where she can free-range her children (and chickens...and bunnies and cats and.. . more to come I'm sure).

Dr. Cooke works on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.