The Westside Cat Practice

4716 Lincoln Boulevard Suite B, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Phone: (310) 773-9286

Fax: (310) 773-9301

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Tom Elston, DVM, DABVP

Tom Elston, DVM, DABVP

Board-certified in Feline Practice by the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, Dr. Elston possesses a clear understanding of the medical needs specific to cats. Since receiving his DVM from Colorado State University in 1976, Dr. Elston has worked diligently to stay on top of the most recent developments in feline and pet health through continuing education. He served as a member of the Executive Board of the American Association of Feline Practitioners for 12 years, and was elected president for the 1994-1996 term. Dr. Elston was also on the Council of Regents of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners for five years, and continues to serve on several national feline health care committees.
At work and at home, Dr. Elston is surrounded by some remarkable cats. But even in such good company, Magoo is special. Although he’s blind, Magoo never misses a beat—casually navigating through Dr. Elston’s house, jumping on to and off of furniture with ease, and cheerfully greeting human visitors at the door. While Dr. Elston marvels at Magoo’s uncanny sensory perception, it’s his warmth and affection that really won the doctor over.