Ferreira Animal Hospital

14504 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33184

Phone: (786) 275-4629

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Alitzah Sanchez

Alitzah Sanchez

-Veterinary Assistant-

Growing up, children often change their minds about what they want to be when they get older. However, this was not the case for Alitzah. Alitzah always had a passion for animals and she felt it was her calling to help them in any way possible. Whatever career she chose would certainly involve animals. Today, Alitzah goes to Miami Dade College and studies veterinary medicine. She has worked for over four years with a variety of exotic animals such as birds, small animals, reptiles and fish. She also has a lot of experience working with cats and dogs. During her free time, you can find Alitzah spending time with her family and friends, taking care of what she likes to call her "small zoo," which include 6 cats, 2 bearded dragons, 2 hamsters and several aquariums, and reading up on different animal-related topics to help increase her knowledge.