Danboro Veterinary Clinic

4406 Point Pleasant Pike, Danboro, PA 18916

Phone: (215) 345-1120

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Dr. Christiansen

Dr. Christiansen

I am a 1981 graduate of Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine and a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania.

 I worked as a large animal veterinarian and regulatory veterinarian in upstate New York. I moved to Pennsylvania, where I worked at the West Chester Veterinary Medical Clinic. After three years I moved to Doylestown, Pennsylvania and made exclusively small animal house calls from 1986 to 1993.  I then opened the Danboro Veterinary Clinic to expand my services and offer clinic visits in addition to my ongoing home visits. My greatest rewards as a veterinarian are enjoying my patients' varied personalities and the long term friendships with their owners.