VCA Old River Animal Hospital

520 West Eleventh Street, Tracy, CA 95376

Phone: (209) 835-5166

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Kanwarjit Boparai Associate Veterinarian

Kanwarjit Boparai Associate Veterinarian

Dr. Kanwar Boparai is an experienced veterinarian who focuses on client education and offering the best medical care for his dog and cat patients.  He is an advocate for dental health and proficient in internal medicine and general surgery as well.  He graduated from Ross University School of Medicine in 2001 after earning a B.S. in animal science from UC Davis in 1997.

Dr. Boparai is  a native of Tracy and a Tracy High School alum.  He began his veterinary career at VCA Old River.  In 2010, he took a short hiatus during which he gained valuable experience practicing throughout Californina. Dr. Boparai has now returned to VCA Old River and is looking forward to reconnecting with former clients and pets while beginning many more long-term relationships.

Dr. Boparai enjoys photography, hiking and tending his olive orchard.