VCA Bonita Animal Hospital

3438 Bonita Road, Chula Vista, CA 91910

Phone: (619) 427-2233

Call Us (619) 427-2233

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Requesting a call from a local Animal Hospital is easy! Fill out the form below and your local clinic will contact you as soon as they can.

If this is an emergency, please contact your local Emergency Veterinary Hospital immediately, or call 911.

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Amanda Henkel -Registered Veterinary Technician

Amanda Henkel -Registered Veterinary Technician

Amanda joined the VCA Bonita Animal Hospital family in 1995 when she graduated from the Registered Technician program at Mesa College.  She worked full time for many years and is now part time since becoming a mother of two.  She loves being able to interact with all the wonderful pets and their parents at VCA Bonita.  When not working she is busy making trips with the kids to school, playdates and outdoor activities.