Mission Animal Care Center and Animal Emergency Hospital

16907 San Fernando Mission Boulevard, Granada Hills, CA 91344

Phone: (818) 363-8143

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Dr. Gurmani

Dr. Gurmani

Dr. Gurmani began his veterinary career as a student at the College of Veterinary Medicine in Lahore, Pakistan. He then decided to further his education by finishing veterinary school at Oklahoma State University, graduating in 2006. Dr. Gurmani enjoys all aspects of veterinary medicine, but especially enjoys the intricate and complex challenge of orthopedic surgeries. Dr. Gurmani has loved being around animals since he was young, and it is shown through the love and dedication he has for his profession. He has an extensive amount of knowledge and expertise that he uses every day, helping our furry friends recuperate from their injuries and sicknesses. In his time off, Dr. Gurmani enjoys hobbies such as trading stocks on wall street, cigar collecting, as well as the occasional trip to the shooting range.