Suburban Animal Clinic

640 North Wilson Road, Columbus, OH 43204

Phone: (614) 276-5479

Fax: (614) 276-9989

Call Us (614) 276-5479

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Dawn Archey, R.V.T.

Dawn Archey, R.V.T.

Dawn started at Suburban Animal Clinic in March 2007. She received a B.S. in Agriculture from The Ohio State University in March 2004. At Columbus State Community College she received her degree as a veterinary technician in March 2007. Her pet family includes 2 cats, Reina & Lily and 2 guinea pigs. Dawn has experience caring for pocket pets, including rabbits & ferrets. Goals for her job at Suburban include: doing the best job she can to care for pets and educate clients on pet health care and staying up-to-date with advances in veterinary medicine so she can pass the information along to clients and their pets.

Suburban is enjoyable to Dawn because all the staff is there for the pets and clients and there are always opportunities to learn new information that will benefit pets and their families. Hobbies that Dawn enjoys are spending time with her critters, friends, family, cross-stitching, leisure walks in the woods, wildlife photography, scrapping and reading.