Suburban Animal Clinic

640 North Wilson Road, Columbus, OH 43204

Phone: (614) 276-5479

Fax: (614) 276-9989

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Deanna Herfel, R.V.T.

Deanna Herfel, R.V.T.


Deanna started with Suburban Animal Clinic in August of 1999.  She has a B.S. in Natural Resources from The Ohio State University.  Also, she is a graduate of the Veterinary Technician program at Columbus State Community College.  Deanna did her internship with Suburban.  Her pet family includes one mutt dog and 1 cat.  She has a husband of many moons, an adult daughter, col Emily, and an adult son, Nicholas.  

Her goals for her job are to come to work everyday with the attitude that when she's there the patients get the best care possible  Every day's a new day with something new to learn. Drawing blood is one of her favorite procedures to do along with putting in catheters.  She thinks working at Suburban is the best of the best where new ideas are welcome and the equipment and procedures are state of the art.  

Suburban allows her to be herself and trusts her with responsibilities to help the practice. In her free time, she enjoys activities with her adult children and husband.