Suburban Animal Clinic

640 North Wilson Road, Columbus, OH 43204

Phone: (614) 276-5479

Fax: (614) 276-9989

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Missy Shardy, D.V.M.

Missy Shardy, D.V.M.

Dr. Missy Shardy started with the Suburban Animal Clinic veterinary team in June of 2004. Dr. Shardy was born and raised in Columbus and graduated from the University of Findlay in December of 1998 and from the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine in June 2004. Dr. Shardy served an internship at Suburban in April 2004.

Dr. Shardy's veterinary interests are in dentistry and surgery. Her pet family includes 3 dogs, 1 cat and a rabbit. She is married and she and her husband Jerry have a son named Paul, born October 22, 2006, a daughter named Macy, born October 6, 2008 and a daughter Josie, born June 15, 2011. In her spare time, she enjoys running around keeping up with the kids and sporting events.