Central Animal Hospital

317 Ardsley Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583

Phone: (914) 723-1250

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Cheryl Gross, VMD

Cheryl Gross, VMD

Cheryl Gross, VMD graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine and joined our health care team in 2000.  Dr. Gross  enjoys all phases of her profession, having a special interest in pocket pets and rabbits, and ultrasonography, a non-invasive diagnostic tool.  Dr. Gross and her husband and their young children care for rescue pets, Wishy and Furby, 2 cats, and Kenzie, the sweetest Great Pyrenees.  Look for the photo of Dr. Gross on our website where she is posing with one of her patients that resides at the Greenburgh Nature Center - a goat, that she neutered!