Pet Medical Center and Spa

621 West Fallbrook Avenue, Fresno, CA 93711

Phone: (559) 366-6566

Fax: (559) 436-4456

Call Us (559) 366-6566

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If this is an emergency, please contact your local Emergency Veterinary Hospital immediately, or call 911.

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Sandra Pinto, Housekeeping

Sandra Pinto, Housekeeping

Sandra became part of our housekeeping team in November of 2011. Sandra loves spending quality time with her family and friends. She has three children and 4 grandchildren and enjoys spending time with them and their pets, Brutus, Boogie, Messy & Lucy. Sandra likes the outdoors, car shows, camping, boating, sewing, and cooking good food. Sandra also spends a lot of time at Cobb Ranch helping prepare for parties and functions and playing with the ranch dogs Pocket and Jake.