Pet Medical Center and Spa

621 West Fallbrook Avenue, Fresno, CA 93711

Phone: (559) 366-6566

Fax: (559) 436-4456

Call Us (559) 366-6566

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Cristina Zamora, Receptionist/Reception Team Trainer

Cristina Zamora, Receptionist/Reception Team Trainer

Cristina joined Pet Medical Center after graduating from UC Davis with her Bachelors Degree in Animal Science (Specializing in Companion and Captive Animals). Cristina enjoys playing with and spoiling her guinea pig Nala and her dogs, Mia and Valentino. In her free time, Cristina enjoys shopping, snowboarding, playing badminton and spending time with her family.

Cristina’s future plans include pursuing a Masters Degree and either continuing on to Veterinary School or to obtain a PhD.