Pet Medical Center and Spa

621 West Fallbrook Avenue, Fresno, CA 93711

Phone: (559) 366-6566

Fax: (559) 436-4456

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Shawnna Lenard, Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT)

Shawnna Lenard, Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT)

Shawnna graduated from San Joaquin Valley College in 2002. She has worked at Pet Medical Center and Spa since February 2005. Shawnna has been with her husband Doyle for over a decade. Doyle and Shawnna have two children, Brendyn and Alyssa. On her time off, Shawnna enjoys riding her quad, camping, puzzles, reading books to her children, and fostering animals while helping them find good homes. She loves the outdoors, and her favorite color is hot pink. The Lenard family also has a conglomeration of animals: Caine (Pit Bull), Yahtzee and Scrabble (Chihuahua mixes), four cats (Cut, Myles, Sinda and Izzy), and numerous fish. Girlfriend, Shawnna’s “first born,” crossed the Rainbow Bridge in December 2008 after almost thirteen years with the Lenard family.