Pet Medical Center and Spa

621 West Fallbrook Avenue, Fresno, CA 93711

Phone: (559) 366-6566

Fax: (559) 436-4456

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Marla Hendricks, DVM, Veterinarian

Marla Hendricks, DVM, Veterinarian

A native Texan, Dr. Hendricks graduated from Texas A&M University with a Bachelor’s in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences. In 1985, she graduated from Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine and began working in family practice. Resident Trained in Emergency and Critical Care, she now works full-time at Fresno Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center as a staff emergency doctor and part-time at Pet Medical Center & Spa. Dr. Hendricks splits her time between California and Texas. She enjoys competitive cycling, running, and spending time in the mountains.