Pet Medical Center and Spa

621 West Fallbrook Avenue, Fresno, CA 93711

Phone: (559) 366-6566

Fax: (559) 436-4456

Call Us (559) 366-6566

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Courtney Giesbrecht, Pet Spa Coordinator

Courtney Giesbrecht, Pet Spa Coordinator

Courtney was hired in December 2007 as a Kennel Assistant. She is majoring in History at Fresno State and would like to get a Masters Degree in Museum Studies. Courtney likes history, cats, gardening, reading large books and National Geographic. One day she would like to move to England and have an organic farm, drink tea and wear lots of tweed and Wellington boots. Courtney and her family have two dogs (Foster and Wookie) and three cats (Sundae, Grady and Sushi).