Pet Medical Center and Spa

621 West Fallbrook Avenue, Fresno, CA 93711

Phone: (559) 366-6566

Fax: (559) 436-4456

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Jamie Bushéy, Veterinary Assistant

Jamie Bushéy, Veterinary Assistant

When given the chance, Jamie enjoys snowboarding with friends, going to football games and San Jose Sharks hockey games. While growing up, Jamie loved watching David Copperfield on TV, and now she goes to his shows when he’s in town. She adds, “Anytime there is a car show or good concert, I am there!” Jamie’s “kids” include: Tobin, a kitten she tube and bottle fed after her step-dad found him, and another kitten. His sibling didn’t make it, but Tobin is doing great! Raider and Bubba (cats) are brothers and best friends – Jamie says they are both lovebugs and are fun to watch. Jamie’s beloved pets that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge will forever live in her heart and she cherishes every moment she had with them.