Cobblestone Veterinary Care

1721 East Warner Road, Suite C3, Tempe, AZ 85284

Phone: (480) 553-9365

Fax: (480) 897-1400

Call Us (480) 553-9365

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Samantha Stockwell, Veterinary Assistant

Samantha was born in Woodland Hills, California.  Being the fun, positive, and energetic person she is, Samantha began working with her aunt as a receptionist at her local veterinary clinic.  Wanting to learn more, she then moved on to assisting anyone in the practice needing help.  In 2014, she moved to Arizona and started her education to become a veterinary technician at ASU.  Samantha joined the Cobblestone team in March of 2015 and has been very thankful to Drs. Marsh and Jundt for helping her learn everything she can about her dream job.

At work, she enjoys meeting patients, well care, and is very interested in surgery.  In her free time, Samantha enjoys taking her rambunctious puppy, Olaf, for walks and swimming in the pool.  She likes country music and watching football and baseball.